Saturday, September 27, 2008

Natural acne blemish recipes

« ...Closed comedones (whiteheads) have small ostia. A combination of both inflammatory and comedonal acne is most commonly seen in younger patients....
...There is no doubt that acne is ugly. It attacks when teens are at their most vulnerable and most concerned about their appearance in the eyes of those around them. Treatment for acne that doesn't take into consideration how the person who has acne looks will not be successful treatment. Most people have at least some level of concern about how they look, but for adolescents in the grips of pimple breakouts, the concern is doubly important. Their self esteem may be shaky already and knowing the negative appearance caused by an acne blemish, insult is added to injury. ...»
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«...Cleanliness. Cleanliness is the single most important defense in your fight against acne. Dirt clogs the pores of the skin and leads to acne and blackheads. It takes only a minute to wash your face with soap and water. We know that you have a busy schedule but this little precaution will really serve you in good stead in the fight against acne. Another little point, pick a good, neutral, face soap that is not harsh on your skin. Look for the word 'non-comedogenic' on the label....»
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tags: best acne treatment for african americans, acne and black head causes, forum tri est cream used on face for acne

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