Monday, June 2, 2008

Top best acne products and acne home scar treatment

Lasers can help too depending on the case. Laser treatment of Acne Scars is a newer technology but one that can be very effective in selected patients. Lasers of various wavelength and intensity may be used to recontour scar tissue and reduce the redness of skin around healed acne lesions. Laser dermabrasion is much easier to control, much easier to gauge, and is practically bloodless compared to classic dermabrasion. Laser resurfacing is a technique used during laser surgery wherein molecular bonds of a material are dissolved by a laser.
Sometimes acne is caused by hormonal changes and treating it effectively becomes much harder. However, there are a lot of ways you can use to take care of your acne problem, some more extreme than others.
A pimple is an inflamed lesion, and picking, squeezing, or popping the pimples out will only aggravate the inflammation. Thus, it is best to leave the pimples alone because grave inflammation could also lead to skin infection and may eventually leave scars on the face. However, there is one kind of pimple that you can get rid off by gentle squeezing, that is the one with a small yellow pus head in the center. Popping the pus out will allow the faster healing of the pimple. Blackheads can also be rectified with gentle squeezing.
tags: rubin soap free acne facial wash, acne scar before and after fraxel treatment pictures, best generic birth control pills used for acne

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