Monday, June 2, 2008

Best acne scar treatment and how do you clear up acne

Clearasil and Oxy are two very popular acne creams and lotions. They contain benzoyl peroxide which dries up acne. Other products like Neutrogena use salyctic acid which is gentler on the skin. Creams and lotions work best if they are combined with a regular cleansing routine.
*Prescription: Issued for specialized medication from a doctor etc.
Microdermbrasion is another option if the acne scars are not too deep. Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical treatment that exfoliates the skin's top layer smoothing out scar tissue. Tiny crystals are sprayed onto the skin through a hand-held device that suctions the crystals - this causes new skin growth and the scar eventually appears less noticeable. Although with scars this process can take several months to accomplish.
tags: does clean and clear acne kit really work, acne cream with eye drops that reduce redness, collagen elastin facial moisturizer good for acne

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