Thursday, October 2, 2008

Home made acne 24 hr

« ...We all do this every day but there is a right way and a wrong way. Washing of your face and body twice a day will help your acne. Over-reacting to acne by washing six times a day will make things worse by depleting the skin of natural oils and encouraging the sebaceous glands to react by over-producing sebum. Avoid alcohol based products as these will dehydrate your skin causing the glands to produce more oil. Scrubbing your skin, as opposed to gently washing your body with a gentle soap, however good it makes you feel, will also remove essential skin oils ensuring future over-production of sebum. Moderation in all things....
...Whiteheads happen when the pore is blocked, trapping oil, bacteria and dead skin cells within. This causes the white appearance on the surface of the skin. Using a product with benzoyl peroxide works great at diminishing this type of acne although a few days may be needed before the whitehead completely disappears....»
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«...Normally the skin sheds dead skin cells, dead skin cells fall away and are replaced by new ones. In acne prone skin this process is skewed in that five times more skin cells are produced as compared to normal skin....»
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tags: black currant oil acne, infants face is so face dry and has acne, zinc supplement acne ask make-up

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